◈Ser Elidyr de Veilleux◈

'Knight of the Violet Rose'

"O' Mighty Fury, fill this yet hollowed vessel.
So it may walk through ash."

His embers have found its kindling, and now his flames burn passionately more than ever.

Through the Holy See comes a passion for the Fury. For this pious and chivalrous son of Ishgard, every action would be done for honour, kin and country.With his late Sire’s lance tightly gripped, reluctantly adorned with the mantle of the Veilleux banner, and his foster Dravanian daughter perched upon his shoulder.Elidyr remains staunch and vigilant in the defense of halone and his homeland.

Even from himself....

◈Ser Elidyr de Veilleux◈

'Knight of the Violet Rose'

Profile picture is by CherO_Art

Ishgardian Elezen ◈ Noble ◈ Knight-Captain/Errant
Early Thirties ◈ Male ◈ Demiromantic
Six Foot Seven Inches ◈ Buff Athletic

To become a dragoon to fight alongside those who bring honour to Ishgard. It was the dream that a young Elidyr would carry in his heart until, time and again, the cruel nature of reality left it in tatters. He was born a son to the already-failing Veilleux banner creating numerous obstacles until upon the behest of the patriarch, Lord Alois de Veilleux, his grandfather, petitions his allies of House Valdecendre. He would become ward to their house, granted affluence and a classical education leading him to the status of a squire to Ser Laurien de Pelderain, a highly renowned, former Dragoon Knight turned Knight-Errant.Elidyr found himself granted affluence previously beyond his reach that honed a taste for finer things as a squire. Silks and leathers were but luxurious examples that found a place in his wardrobe. Humbled by the patrician who transformed his life, Elidyr showed appreciation through obtaining several crowning achievements in service to their motherland of Ishgard. Through the Holy See came a passion for the Fury. Every action would be done for honour, kin and country.On the crux of attaining the once dream-locked candidacy for Dragoon, Elidyr watched a veil slough from the Holy See. While many were easily assuaged into accepting the truce between Ishgard and the Dravanians, he was not.Fate continued an unkind streak when Elidyr found himself arrested in the midst of a conspiracy. While detained, it was only through his mentor—Ser Laurien—that he was sentenced to trial by combat as the prestigious Elezen vouched for his best squire. Before Fury, See and eager spectators Elidyr Veilleux would slay his opponent leading to his survival but at a cost. With his reputation now in tatters, Elidyr absolutely lost any place with the Dragoons. Thrust into a different path, the Elezen climbed a different hierarchy through the sceptical Temple Knights.Eventually, Halone would grant the path that he had long sought; as the Knights Dragoon would overlook his past history being in need to refill their numbers. No doubt the Dragoon profession was a hazardous one, having that of a high turnover rate. Regardless, his efforts within the Congregation were recognised. Enlisted in the Order for a time- he utilised his skills with the lance to help slay the Horde. His time would come to an end upon sustaining injury. Honourably discharged from the Order during his recuperation. Elidyr resumed his station within the Knights Most Heavenly upon completing his rehabilitation for the rest of the Dragonsong War.For the last few years, Elidyr found himself plucked from Ishgard into the Black Shroud. There, he assisted some acquaintances, and their Free Companies as a Knight-Errant. It was an unpleasant time. Perhaps the only pleasant occurence was the adoption of a particular foster daughter of Dravanian nature; Ohl Yre.With his time within The Shroud concluding. Elidyr and Yre returned to Coerthas, resuming his duty as a Knight of Ishgard. Recent events involving the Final Days has the Ishgardian Knight rallying what was left of House Veilleux's bannermen; being that of thirty strong chocobo knights—they rejoined the Greater House Durendaire's vanguard against the Final Days, as its regiment of shock cavalry chocobo knights once more. Their efforts had the earned the Veilleux name to be formally re-recognised as a vassal House under the Durendaire banner.Reluctantly, Elidyr assumed the mantle of being the head of House Veilleux; being that of the only suitable blood heir left, after all. He's been warranted a position of a cavalier Knight-Captain amidst House Durendaire's knights. With his former service to the Temple Knights, the Congregation may petition him for certain tasks as a Knight-Errant.Monikered as the 'Knight of the Violet Rose' by a dear friend. The former Dragoon currently resides within the Veilleux estate, formally known as 'Le Perchoir de Veilleux', or the Veilleux Perch with his foster child, Yre. Slowly rekindling the ashes of where his family had left off.


Veilleux coat of arms is by @KlaviArts

Below are some hooks developed from the story of Elidyr thus far; they are not comprehensive by any means. There are other hooks that can always been brainstormed and discussed.


Knights Most HeavenlyElidyr found his desire to serve Ishgard given new life in the Temple Knights with any path to dragoon candidacy almost reduced to ash. While his place among them came with the reinforced endorsement of Ser Laurien de Pelderain, there was no warm welcome. Many continued to shun Elidyr or nurse their wariness, knowing his reputation by the gossip surrounding his trial by combat. Still, the Elezen climbed their ranks into Knight-Lieutenant as he supported the humanitarian efforts that fell onto the Temple Knights for the people of Ishgard. His new position sees him as a cavalier Knight-Captain between the Greater House Durendaire, and the occasional Knight-Errant for the Congregation.Forgotten KnightSometimes during Elidyr's downtime- the Ishgardian Knight often likes to indulge in beer, ale, or even spirits amidst familiar company.CoerthasOne may find Elidyr, and a platoon of his chocobo knights out during patrol within the borders of Ishgard, or somewhere out in the middle of the Highlands anywhere within Coerthas upon chance.Minor NobilityHouse Veilleux was once a militarised House, proudly serving under the Great House Durendaire. Known for their chocobo riders, serving as shock calvary units for Ishgard. Treachery had lead to the House's descent into obsucrity. Recently, though, Elidyr rallied what was left of the House's bannermen, and their contribution towards helping fend off the Final Days for Ishgard had led to the House's restoration, and formal recognition as House Durendaire's vassals once more. Word of their resurgence, though, has beckoned the attention of their adversaries in the political landscape; not only must they remain vigilant for enemies outside of Ishgard, but within her walls, as well. With that said- there is the interest in establishing ties with other minor Houses; whether that's alliances, or talks of business.Patron of the ArtsHe may seem stoic upon first glance, but when days warrant leisure- there is a sheer interest when it comes to reliving Ishgardian culture, and romantisiced literature, especially when it comes to stories of chivalry, knights, damsels, romance and adventures. Such themes are experienced in avenues of theatre and opera, or novels. He also enjoys freely expressing himself upon the dance floor through the grace of a waltz within galas, or balls.


Order of the Knights DragoonAs a child, Elidyr attracted the Order of the Knights Dragoon's attention for candidacy. The Elezen found himself beneath the wing of Ser Laurien de Pelderain. an esteemed Dragoon turned Knight-Errant. Elidyr persisted through the training until his life was almost forever changed by an occult circumstance that stripped away his Dragoon candidacy. Halone would look at him favourably, though. With the high turnover rate of the Knights Dragoon. Elidyr was enlisted for a time. But his service would be cut short, as sustaining injuries would lead him to a honourable discharge.Occult ThemesElidyr carries the gravity of truths surrounding what shadows loom across Eorzea. Thanks to his time within the Shroud, the Elezen has seen more occult horrors than ever. Each time no better and his blade bloodier. At times the Congregation may petition his aid to hunt the voidsent, heretics, or apostates.Ishgard UnderworldThere was a period during a young Elidyr's late teenage life where he would used to partake in underground fighting pits of The Brume in the effort to vent out his angst, throughout his Dragoon candidacy. He would often go by the moniker of either the 'Hallowed One', or the 'Hollowed One'.

◈Player info◈

Drawn by @reisins

G'day there! Feel free to call me Koji, I am an Aussie playing on the Mateus server. When it comes to roleplay, my interest falls on keeping things fun and shooting the breeze with mates. It goes without saying that IC does not equal OOC. Real life always takes precedence, if something pops up for you. No worries! We'll raincheck. I'd expect the same treatment from the other party, too, though.I prefer folks who put effort and detail into their characters as well as sharing an interest in character developments (including having IC feuds, rivalries, friendships, or otherwise), and collaborative storytelling.I expect others to seek my permission before handing out consequences that might seriously injure or kill my character, or generally carry a significant impact on his story.As someone over 30, I do not interact with players under 21 or characters that are considered minors. It goes without saying that I am not my character, and the way he would react to other characters does not represent the player OOCly. I, myself, am a person of colour, as well, and do not tolerate bigotry, nor any form of hate speech that relates to the LGBQT. We're all here to write together, so let's keep it that way.But for more info on how to approach roleplay topics with me, check out the bottom of this page under 'Hooks'. I usually love writing occult and dark fantasy themes; think something akin to Soulsborne, as I live and breathe that genre.While I'm not against romance. It doesn't take precedence, nor am I interested in a polyamory. Elidyr is demiromantic, and he would reciprocrate advances with indifference more often than not, regardless. Thus, it would be a slow-burn. If romance, or ERP is your priority- please look elsewhere.Other than that, I have interest in gameplay, as well, whether that's pve, or pvp. Hit me up if you ever need a tank, or otherwise!As an Aussie, my playtimes are perhaps a bit rotating as I work an as-needed, on-call always job. If you find interest in hashing something out, though, send over a message. (Discord handler: Koji)Time Zone: Playing in Eastern, living in Australian Central Standard